TPX Tipping Point

Media Buying-Public Relations-Research-Digital
716-374-0411 and 585-340-1119
New York State WBE certified & WBENC

585-340-1119 Company Website
585-340-1119 | Website
1349 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607, Monroe County
Rochester NY Buffalo-Niagara Region
716-374-0411 (Second Location)
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1349 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607
Monroe County, Rochester NY Buffalo-Niagara Region
Michelle Ashby

Michelle Ashby
Founder & CEO

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2014 SBC Tipping Point Communications

Tipping Point Communications Founder and CEO Michelle Ashby was awarded the Small Business Person of the Year award by the Small Business Council of Rochester. Tipping Point Communications is a marketing, public relations and media strategy agency located in Rochester New York with an office in Buffalo New York.

Public Relations Higher Education Marketing - Five Things to Consider

Tipping Point Public Relations President Barbara Pierce discusses the five things to consider when bringing public relations into a higher education marketing campaign.

Planning Your Marketing Campaign - 5 Things to Consider

Founder and CEO Michelle Ashby talks about the marketing strategy process at Tipping Point Communications and the five things to consider when putting together a marketing plan.

David Mammano Interviews Michelle Ashby

David Mammano | America's Entrepreneur Coach hosts the next Avanti Entrepreneur Summit on Oct 26 at The Strathallan Rochester. Michelle Ashby of Tipping Point Communications talks a little about what to expect for the panel discussion: Debunking the Myths of Being a Women Entrepreneur.