The Holiday Card Collection

Send Us Your Original Holiday Card
We Take Photos, Graphics,
Animation or Video

Annual Card Submission

Every year starting in December, we collect original holiday cards, videos, animations and audio files for our annual promotion. Get creative and send us something!

You can also send cards you've designed for your clients. We'll credit the creative to you and set up a link to your website. Each year these pages attract thousands of unique visitors. One of them could be your next client.

Submission Specs:

  1. Digital Files Only. Save files as a JPEG, GIF, or Animated GIF, PNG or PDF
  2. Verticals: 750 pixels wide, 850 high max - so the entire image can be seen without scrolling on smaller monitors
  3. Horizontals: Up to 1200 pixels wide
  4. We accept MP3 files
  5. Videos will be embedded from youtube, vimeo or your website. Send us the link along with a thumbnail graphic that is exactly 220 pixels wide (height can vary).
  6. Submit a new card each year. No duplicates please. Every year's collection is archived on the site.

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Plan Your Company's Holiday Promotion

Holiday Promotions: The Gifts That Keep On Giving from an article by Pauline Bartel

"Like brightly wrapped, beribboned packages, holidays and corporate anniversaries hold promise for your business. When you use them as occasions to remember and thank your customers, holidays and corporate anniversaries become the gifts that keep on giving..."

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