Title Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts
Client Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts
Category Out-Of-Home,
Ambient Media / Out-of-Home / Poster - Single Unit
Greg Meadows, Creative Director/Designer
Pete Reiling, Illustrator
Zenger Group, Printer
Title 140 Years Linked with History
Client Columbus McKinnon
Category Sales & Marketing,
Collateral Material / Publication Design - Book Design
Greg Meadows, Creative Director
Kimberly Simons, Art Director
Susannah Gray, Account Executive and Production Manager
Chris Muldoon, Writer
Cohber Printing, Printer
Title DG Apparel Official 2015 Buffalo Marathon Apparel
Client DG Apparel & Gifts
Category Sales & Marketing,
Direct Marketing / Specialty Advertising / Apparel
Mike Telesco, Designer
Ericka Telesco, Account Executive
Kristan Plath, Production Manager
Amy Gerspach, Fulfillment
Steamroller Press, Printer